“Men-Only” Job Advertisements In China Cause Outrage

Employers in China routinely ask female job candidates discriminatory questions on job applications, such as whether a woman is married or has children. Some companies even make female employees sign special agreements to not get pregnant for a certain amount of time. Although these practices are technically illegal in China, they are increasingly common. With China facing an aging crisis because of its previous one-child policy, there is a movement to stimulate a baby boom. Some argue that this movement is pushing traditional gender roles on women, thereby excluding them from the workplace.
Movement To Preserve The Family Unit In China
Thirty years ago, Chinese women earned roughly 80% of what men earned on average. By 2010, this wage gap increased to 67% in Chinese cities and 56% in the countryside. Over the previous decade, China’s placement in the global gender gap index, created by the World Economic Forum, has also decreased — from 57th to 103rd out of a total of 139 countries. President Xi Jinping has encouraged Chinese women to embrace their “unique role” in family life and “shoulder the responsibility of taking care of the old and young, as well as educating children.” Some are pointing out that China used to be a leader in gender equality in the workforce. For example, China had one of the highest percentage rates of female labor force participation in the world in 1990 with nearly 75% of women represented in the workforce. Now, only 61 percent of Chinese women work outside the home.
Men-Only Job Advertisements
Although it’s illegal to discriminate in hiring on the basis of sex in China, several job advertisements have specifically listed “men-preferred” or “men-only” positions. Even government agencies have advertised such positions. For example, the Human Rights Watch found that one Beijing ministry posted “men only” stipulations in over half the positions posted over the course of a year. Overall, there are roughly 31 million more men in China than women. This national gender imbalance was due to the one-child policy and sex-selective abortions of unborn girls.
Gender Discrimination in the United States
Fortunately, gender discrimination laws in the United States appear to be more strongly enforced than those in China. U.S. law prevents discrimination on the basis of sex in all aspects of employment, including but not limited to, hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, or fringe benefits. If you have been discriminated on the basis of sex in the United States, you should seek assistance from an experienced employment lawyer.
Seek Legal Assistance
If you have experienced gender discrimination in the workplace, seek legal assistance today. The Working Solutions Law Firm, located in New York City, can assist you. Contact us today at (646) 430-7930 to schedule a free case evaluation and receive experienced legal counsel. You don’t pay unless we win.