Employment Law Attorneys

Imagine that your employer hired a team of lawyers months ago to plan your termination. Or perhaps your unethical manager has disliked you from the moment you stepped foot on the job because of the color of your skin, the country you came from, your gender, or your sexual preference. Or maybe your employer disrespects you, refusing to pay you the wages you’ve earned, breaking agreements, and failing to follow through on promises. NYC, NJ, and MA employees deserve better!
If you’ve come here, maybe you don’t have to imagine. Maybe this is happening to you now. What are you going to do? Take a deep breath, and take action. Here’s our roadmap for your solution:
Step 1. GO! Taking Action
Discriminatory attitudes and unlawful motives pervade certain organizations. Is your employer contemptuous of its workforce, taking you and other hard working employees for granted? These employers often refuse to pay overtime wages to eligible employees, short pay, fire employees for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons, and barely attempt to conceal their motives.
Nobody can help you unless you help yourself. You need to level the playing field by taking action and finding an employment lawyer with experience and a record of success.
Step 2. FIGHT! Your Unscrupulous Employer’s Plan
Don’t expect any quick fixes. Unscrupulous employers — unlike those represented at this firm — will position themselves to defeat you and eliminate any trace of their unlawful motives. In other words, instead of addressing your problems, your employer will make an already intolerable situation worse by smearing your reputation, unfairly attacking your performance, or harassing you in the hopes you resign.
So fight back. But first, listen to your employment attorney — you need ‘Rules and Tools’ to catch them and win.
Step 3. WIN! Rules and Tools for Your Working Solution
If any of the above sounds familiar, understand that our firm is already in your corner. We want you to win, but you need to know the rules, and those rules are not in your handbook. You need sound advice and an action plan.
We’re interested in representing genuine clients with genuine workplace problems who are looking for solutions. Not our firm’s solution, but your working solution, what you want from your employer. We promise to listen to you and pursue the goals that YOU define for us right from the start.