Social Media Can Play a Role in Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Imagine starting a new job and things seem to be going well. You’re excited about your new opportunity and the future seems brighter and brighter every day. Suddenly, you start getting messages from a co-worker on Facebook. At first, they seem innocuous, but things start heading into uncomfortable territory. You begin getting messages that you’re absolutely certain are sexual harassment, but these messages are being sent to your private social media account after business hours. Do you have any legal recourse? Here’s how social media can play a role in sexual harassment in the workplace.
Is More Sexual Harassment Starting to Occur on Social Media?
Based on reports in popular articles in the press, social media has increasingly become prime ground for sexual harassment to occur. Coworkers become “Facebook friends” or follow each other on Twitter and things begin to feel more personal than professional. Perpetrators of sexual harassment on social media suggest that social platforms feel more private and many people don’t understand that legally, harassment that occurs on social media outside the workplace between two co-workers or a supervisor and an employee still counts as sexual harassment in the workplace.
As a result, more employees in New York are seeing sexual harassment take place on their private social media platforms instead of inside the building.
Sexual Harassment Is Increasing in Frequency in Today’s Politically Charged Climate
In today’s politically hostile environment, sexual harassment claims are coming in droves. Trending Twitter hashtags like #sexism and #sexual harassment are coming on the heels of famous right-wing news host Bill O’Reilly being ousted by Fox News after $13 million worth of sexual harassment claims. Popular ride sharing company Uber is also under fire for blatantly ignoring sexual harassment conducted by “top performers” within their organization.
With political leaders condoning actions of sexual harassment on campaign trails and claims of harassment being largely ignored even when brought before company executives, the arena is set for sexually disparaging and violating actions to become commonplace.
When to Contact an Attorney
If you feel that you’ve been a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace – either within the work environment or by a person you work with on social media – it’s important to contact an attorney who works specifically with these types of cases.
While social media is currently helping to bring to light many instances of sexual harassment, posting about a case on these platforms can also distort the facts and potentially compromise juries in the event that a claim makes it to litigation. An attorney can help you seek correction of the harassing actions and justice if you suffered damages as a result of the harassment.
Attorney Christopher Q. Davis has the skills and resources to help victims of sexual harassment in New York put a stop to it. Contact the Working Solutions Law Firm today to learn more by calling (646) 430-7930.